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514 586-8848

Your ERP partner


Be Ready. Communicate. Integrate. Grow Your Business. That’s Simplierp.

Integrated ERP Solutions

SimpliERP has successfully implemented many of ERP systems throughout Quebec and Ontario. We plan, design, validate and deploy your Epicor solution based on delivering cost-effective and efficient techniques. Trained and equipped with leading implementation tools, our Epicor consultants follow our proven agile methodology designed to support Epicor software throughout its project and meet the specific needs of our customers.

SimpliERP offers a full-stack team of software developers, business analysts and project managers, and every single member is committed to building the best Epicor system. We have the expertise necessary to take any challenge head-on, help you improve your operations and day-to-day efficiency. From implementing a fully custom software solution, upgrading a system or looking to improve business processes – it’s our hard work and great attitude that leads to excellent results for our clients!

Our Approach

Our Agile Methodology approach focuses on minimizing the complexity of ERP software projects and thereby allowing these projects to be more flexible. The Agile Methodology approach takes into account change requests, and we can respond quickly to new requirements that only emerge when the ERP project is underway.

Meeting the Challenges of New Manufacturing

Because of our long-expertise working with different manufacturing clients, we start by taking the time to understand the process and people that makes your manufacturing operation run. We know the ERP project is not only about the technology; it also about knowing your business projects that require the appropriate technology. That’s why at SimpliERP, you’ll also find a diverse team with expertise in disciplines needed for a successful ERP implementation that includes application, technology & architecture, process management, change management and project management.

Creating A Successful ERP Journey

As an independent ERP consulting firm, we approach each stage of ERP implementation differently. We leverage our digital ecosystem expertise and view ERP implementations as a whole by understanding our clients’ unique needs, its people, and customizing the ERP to address and solve specific problems.

Identifying and Communicating Risk

Our ERP experts get involved from the start, where we can identify the critical people-related challenges some of our clients typically face at each phase of an ERP implementation. We’ll show you what specific steps you can take to mitigate them. With so much on the line, we know what your organization can do to minimize risk and make your ERP project implementation journey as smooth as possible.

Software Customization

We also provide customized software solutions to ensure you get consistency at every step of your business processes and consolidate day-to-day tasks with Epicor (ERP) system. Analyze information quicker and connect vital business processes with Epicor ERP software. SimpliERP will show you how!

Epicor ERP System Main Modules

  • Sales and Distribution Module
  • Human resource management module
  • Financial module
  • CRM module
  • Project management module
  • Supply chain management module
  • Enterprise Performance Management
  • Governance, Risk, and Compliance
  • Business Architecture
  • Global Business Management

ERP Consulting Services

  • ERP Development Consulting
  • ERP Customization
  • ERP System Support and Maintenance
  • ERP System Improvement

Data Migration

Of course, this is a critical yet challenging phase when implementing any ERP solution. SimpliERP takes the time to plan out for multiple iterations of data loads, this ensures the quality and security of the data is not compromised.

User Training

We provide all the necessary training from pre-requisite to post-live training. The benefit of user training is that you’ll have internal subject matter experts and trainers to assist end-users across departments.

Going Live

All hands-on deck! We ensure all the necessary testing and debugging is done, and only then will your Epicor ERP system is ready to go live.


SimpliERP helps you to establish an ERP governance process to manage your Epicor systems to help end-users be responsive, stay motivated and work together as a team.

Simpli ERP

Our People

Simply put, the Epicor consultants at SimpliERP is ready for you. From full-scale implementations, renovations or upgrades of your existing Epicor ERP systems, customizations for your unique manufacturing needs to data migration and system integration; our ERP team is ready to step in. Even if you need functional and technical IT support due to a lack of in-house staff, you can count on SimpliERP. SimpliERP provides consulting for both on-premise and cloud-based systems.

We take the time to understand the process and people that make your manufacturing operations run smoothly. We are your strategic partner with a single mission – to help your businesses achieve your long-term goals.

If you’re ready to bring on SimpliERP, need a demo or currently evaluating new technologies or processes, we’d love the opportunity to show you want we can do for your business. Contact us today. Or take advantage of our Free Onsite Analysis and complete the form.

Free onsite analysis

If you are in the market for a new ERP system, looking to upgrade, or perhaps need IT management services, we’re ready to visit your site. Learn more and schedule your Free Onsite Analysis today.

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